Light Up Your Life With Islam

Archive for September, 2012

Heart Talks


The reality of the real scholars,

علماء أبرار يسيرون مع الحق أين سارت ركائبه.. كل منهم يستنير بالكتاب والسنة.. ويعمل بالحق ويدعو إليه.. ليرى الناس الدين سهلاً ميسراً.. نقياً صافياً.. لم تكدره آراء أهل البدع والأهواء.. ولم تحرفه أيدي أهل السوء والنفاق.

[Roughly translated:]“Pious scholars go with haqq (truth) wherever it goes. All of them obtain nur (light) from the Book and the Sunnah. And they act upon that which is haqq (truth) and call towards it, so that the people can see that the deen (religion) is simplified and accessible, pure and clear; opinions of people of innovation and desires do not pollute it; and the hands of people of evil and hypocrisy do not distort it”.

Pious scholars go where the haqq goes. They do not care where does it take them, either to the depths of misery or to poverty or trial and affliction. They just know that they have to stick with the

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The Man – Muhammad (ﷺ)


So a team from some non-Muslim country made a blasphemous film on Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) and here we are in Pakistan, burning tires, shouting and screaming on the top of our voices, protesting, calling bad names to those non-Muslims, boycotting all kinds of cyber media, crying great big tears for the love of the Prophet (ﷺ), shutting down our cellular networks, having a whole national holiday with loss of crores to our nation etc.

Okay! So it’s good, in fact it’s a must, to feel bad about this business. Yes, because we are supposed to love Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) even more than our own selves. So feel hurt.

But feeling hurt and burning stuff of our own fellow Muslims? Let our own nation suffer loss? Leave our own work and spend time in protests which have no evidence in Islam?

It’s like saying, (quoting someone): “I’m so angry at you, I’m going to tear my own shirt”. Isn’t this ridiculous? Or how much more thick can you get?

When you love a person, how do you show that love?

You try your best to know everything about him, the way he talks, walks, eats, sleeps, deals with others, thinks, spends his life, who his friends are (you even start loving them), what his point of views are, what are his likes and dislikes. And then what? You try to copy him, don’t you? Have you seen those young teens crazy over their superstars? They make their hairstyles like them, dress like them, even try to copy their expressions. Don’t they?

And, above all, when you love someone; you try to please them. You do the things that he loves. You stay away from things that he does not like. Isn’t that true? If you disagree, comment below.

That’s what numerous love stories tell us about lovers’ behavior. Or trying grabbing a psychology book.

Anyway, what are WE doing to prove our love for Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ)?


He said whoever abandons the prayer has disbelieved. Do you pray regularly 5 times a day?

He used to stand for night prayers and cry in front of Allah. Did you EVER?

Prayer was the coolness of his eyes. Is it yours?

When the adhaan was called, he used to leave everything and rush towards the masjid. Do you?

He did istighfaar (asked for forgiveness) more than hundred times a day. Do you?

He loved the miswak, so much so that it was one of his last acts before his death. Do you use it often?

He treated every man in such a manner that he would think that the Prophet loves him the most. Do you treat people like that?

He said the distinctive quality of Islam is modesty. Do you have that in you?

He (ﷺ) was neither one who spoke indecently nor one who cursed and nor one who abused. Are you devoid of these 3 qualities too?

He said, say salam to those you know and those you don’t. Do you say it to both?

He said, everyone of you should see whom you are befriending. Do you check who you’re befriending?

Do you know what food he loved? Do you know what were his sleeping habits? Do you follow them too?

Do you recite the morning and evening duas regularly?

Do you know all the Friday sunnahs? Do you know how important Friday is? Or do you spend it like any other day?

Do you talk the way he talked? *Check here how he talked*

Do you walk the way he walked? *Check here how he walked*

Do you lower your gaze and keep a check on yourself in the presence of non-mehrams?

Do you praise your wives?

Do you love your daughters?

Are you kind and affectionate to the poor? (To everyone, for that matter).

Do you know the things that made his face go red with anger?

Do you know the things that made his face shine with happiness?

Do you never taunt, backbite, slander, make fun of others? Do you NOT?

Do you worry about the mission he left behind? Do you even know what it is? Do you know he assigned a job expressly to you before he died? Did you ever work on that mission? *Share what it is, in the comment section below*

All these above questions do not cover even half of his life. If you do not know the answers of these questions then,

O you who claim to love him (ﷺ), drown in shame! Let alone protesting and and all that useless stuff. Your false avowal makes one sick.

You still have time, wake up even NOW! Change your ways and prove your love for him. Don’t go back to your old ways. Can’t you do this much for him? Let’s show’em that we all are true followers of that wonderful man!

Give it your best and keep giving it. And then, be at peace. For the religion of our beloved (ﷺ) can never be brought down. Because Allah lives, and will never die!

Here’s a beautiful poem written by a reverted Muslimah Camila Badar,

If Prophet Muhammad visited you
Just for a day or two,
If he came unexpectedly,
I wonder what you’d do.
Oh, I know you’d give your nicest room,
To such an honored guest,
And all the food you’d serve to him,
Would be the very best,
And you would keep assuring him,
You’re glad to have him there,
That serving him in your own home,
Is joy beyond compare.

BUT …when you saw him coming,
Would you meet him at the door,
With arms outstretched in welcome,
To your heavenly visitor?
Or..would you have to change your clothes
Before you let him in?
Or hide some magazines and put,
The Quran where they had been?
Would you still watch dirty movies,
On your T.V. set?
Or would you switch it off,
Before he gets upset?
Would you turn off the radio,
And hope he hadn’t heard?
And wish you hadn’t uttered the last loud hasty word?

Would you hide your worldly music,
And instead take Hadith books out?
Could you let him walk right in,
Or would you rush about?
And, I wonder…if the Prophet spent,
A day or two with you,
Would you go right on doing the things,
You always do?
Would you go right on saying the things
You always say?
Would life for you continue,
As it does from day to day?

Would your family conversation,
Keep up its usual pace,
And Would you find it hard each meal,
To say a table grace?
Would you keep up each and every prayer?
Without putting on a frown?
And would you always jump up early,
For prayer at dawn?
Would you sing the songs you always sing,
And read the books you read?
And let him know the things on which,
Your mind and spirit feed?
Would you take Prophet with you,
Everywhere you plan to go?
Or, would you maybe change your plans,
Just for a day or so?
Would you be glad to have him meet,
Your very closest friends?
Or, would you hope they stay away,
Until his visit ends?
Would you be glad to have him stay,
Forever on and on?
Or would you sigh with great relief,
When he at last was gone?
It might be interesting to know,
The things that you would do.
If Prophet Muhammad, in person, came,
to spend some time with you.

And here’s his love: LOVE, at its best

Hajrah. :)

P.S. One of my favorite series: Pen Portrait of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) 

The film is offensive because it misrepresents Islam. Senseless violence and murder is offensive for the same reason. ~ Nouman Ali Khan

Read about poison in order to be saved from it.

Heart Talks


If you’re young (or even if you’re not), this is for you.

إن من البلاء العظيم أن ينثر الأعداء في ساحة المسلمين علوماً مسمومة.. وأفكاراً متباينة.. علوم كلها غث هزيل.. عسر الهضم.. يأكل الوقت.. ويميت القلب.. ويورث الشك والحيرة والجدل، ويدعو إلى الفسوق والعصيان.

[Roughly translated:] Indeed, among the biggest trials is that the enemies have spread, in the yard of Muslims, poisonous ‘ulum, and far-away thoughts. All these ‘ulum are weightless rubbish, they are difficult to digest, devour time, and cause hearts to die, and they leave behind doubt, wonderment and conflict, and they call towards transgression and sin. 

Don’t you feel that every word of the above statement is true? I am sure each one of you has experienced it some time or other in your life, the indulgence in knowledge that is not only useless but also harmful.

After attending the above lesson, I went straight to university *insert…

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Heart Talks


I am going to share a personal experience of mine, in the hope that it will be of benefit to you inshaAllah.

Read these lines from the book first and then we’ll go on:

إن البشرية كافة كما يحتاجون إلى الهواء والماء والطعام كل آن، ولا يستثنى من ذلك أحد، ولا تستقيم لهم حياة إلا بذلك، فكذلك الناس كلهم أشد حاجة إلى الدين الحق الذي يبين علاقة المخلوقات بـخالقها، وينظم علاقة المخلوق بالمخلوق، ويوفر لهم السعادة في الدنيا والآخرة، إذا حققوا مراد الله من خلقه بالإيمان به وعبادته وطاعته، واتبعوا كتابه الذي أنزله عليهم، ورسوله الذي أرسله إليهم، واستقاموا على دينه:

في الإيمان.. والعبادات.. والمعاملات.. والمعاشرات.. والأخلاق.

[Roughly translated:] Indeed just as all mankind has a need towards desires and water and food all the time, and not one is excepted, and life cannot be established without them, similarly all humans have an even stronger need towards the true…

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Heart Talks


يا نائماً على فراش التقصير متى تفيق من هذا المرض؟

[Roughly translated]: O sleeping one on the bed of loss, when will you be cured from this disease?

This sentence ought not to be translated, so try to learn it in Arabic.

I’ve learnt it too and I’m going to remind myself of it whenever I feel lazy. I’ll know then that I’m suffering from a disease and I’m in loss! Enough to snap out of it, no?

Here’s a dua of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w for laziness:

May Allah give us the taufiq to be active and to stay away from laziness.

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Heart Talks


Here are a few lines from the book that should be shared with everyone, they’re so valuable.

ولما كانت الدنيا ليست بدار قرار، ولكنها دار ابتلاء واختبار، ومجاز إلى دار الخلود، وتبين أنه لا فائدة في الدنيا إلا

بالإيمان بالله، والعلم بما أمر الله ورسوله به، والعمل به، وتعليمه الناس في مشارق الأرض ومغاربها، ودعوة الخلق إليه

حتى لا تكون فتنة، ويكون الدين كله لله

[Roughly translated]: “This world is not permanent residence, but it is the place of test and trial, and it is a bridge towards the eternal abode, and it’s clear that indeed there is no benefit in this world except for faith in Allah, and knowledge that goes by Allah and His Prophet (s.a.w)’s command, and actions (good deeds), and education of people in the east and west of the earth, and calling people towards Him, until there remains no fitna and [until] the religion, all of…

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