Light Up Your Life With Islam


Since about a week I was contemplating what to write on my blog. (It’s not as if good things weren’t happening or anything but they just weren’t providing the impulse to write).

So yesterday we did Surah Yusuf in tarawih prayer. As I listened to its recitation it made my heart want to overflow. It brings to my memory the days in which whenever I used to get even a little bit low I started listening to Surah Yusuf and felt better instantly, like a pain-killer injection.

Why? Why Surah Yusuf?

Well to begin with, the Lord of the worlds labels the story of Yusuf A.S ‘Ahsan Al Qasas’, the best of stories!
Felt the impact of these two phrases? Lord of the worlds & best of stories? Yes? I know, it is just that strong. :)

There are lots of reasons of this being the best of stories, one striking one being that it’s 100% true.
But if we go into details we wont be able to talk about anything else.

So lets just discuss a few main pointers about how it provides solace.
(Gosh! How will I ever be able to narrow it down? :O)

First thing. What did Yusuf A.S do during all his problems?
– Sabr.
Something that we need every single minute of our life.
Sabr = patience + steadfastness.
Allah SWT tells us countless times in the Quran to do sabr, for success in both worlds. We believe that. But we’re humans and we learn best by examples, by stories. How do we teach kids the way of life? Through stories. So this story seems like my story, your story and we all relate to it, get clues and it helps us get on with sabr, thus get on with life.

Second thing. He was very very beautiful (we all have soft corner for that, right?) so that could be one reason too. Hehe! Just kidding. :D (Though he A.S WAS very beautiful).

Third thing. We think it’s impossible to be ‘good’ at all times, in all situations. Hello?! Yusuf A.S was no angel, he was a human being just like us. (Okay he was a Prophet, son of a Prophet, grandson of a Prophet, great-grandson of a Prophet but he was a human after all). Allah SWT tells us his story, why? So that we at least try to be some good. At least try to follow him. And trust me even a little following would be sufficient for us. :p

Fourth thing. He is called by his fellow in prison as ‘Ayyuhassideeq’, O man of truth! Despite all that he went through (he was separated from his beloved father, home –> thrown into a deep well –> taken into an unknown state –> sold as a slave –> tried to be forced into sin –> by his master’s wife –> accused when he was innocent –> finally was imprisoned) what did he not leave? Truth! He didn’t stop being truthful no matter what!
Now imagine yourself in just one of the above mentioned situations. Or any difficult situation that you went through, what do we tend to let go off first of all? Truth. In order to save our neck we resort to lies easily. What about him A.S?

Fifth thing. He was at the peak of his youth and was tried to be lured into evil by his master’s wife. What did he do? He asked for Allah’s refuge and resisted. Didn’t ‘give in’. I used the word ‘give in’ because that’s what we do. We say it’s the environment, it’s not our fault, everyone does it, don’t we have a right to enjoy life? (He chose prison for himself, remember?). Dude! Get a grip and stop trying to give lame excuses when all along you know deep inside your heart that it’s wrong.

Sixth thing. The dua that Yusuf A.S makes at the end, I just love it. ‘ Creator of the heavens and earth, You are my protector in this world and in the Hereafter. Cause me to die a Muslim and join me with the righteous.”‘ (Verse 101). Isn’t it simply beautiful? He calls Allah by a name that shows only love and then the next sentence shows the unwavering reliance and trust in Him. And then he asks two things which are indeed what are needed for the best of both worlds.

Last but not the least. Allah SWT says in the last verse of Surah Yusuf: ‘There was certainly in their stories a lesson for those of understanding.’
So that’s what we’re supposed to get from this story. Lessons. There are lots and lots of lessons in it. If you want to learn those lessons for your life, study/read/listen to Surah Yusuf yourself. :)

(If this post gets any longer you wont read it at all. So enough said).

Hajrah. :)

Comments on: "Half Of Earth’s Beauty In One!" (8)

  1. Hira Mateen said:

    <3 i was in search of such an article. jazakAllahu khair! :)


  2. Waiyyaki. Alhamdulillah you got it. :)


  3. :l dumb after reading this.


  4. Zainab Khan said:

    Beautiful! Ahsan al Qasas indeed!


  5. Aww bought back so many memories and lessons which we seem to forget in our daily lives x


  6. […] We did Surah Yusuf today! Read a little about it here. […]


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